Privacy Policy

Upon an invite, the bot does not store any data about you. Upon assigning a channel, the server's Discord guild ID and the specified channel ID are stored in the database. When sending messages to the bot at least once. When the bot is used from the assigned channel of a server, the current message as well as the last two messages sent to the bot are stored in a database to obtain a "context".

Only the bot itself interacts with the database entries, so no data is publicly visible to other bot users/staffs, only developers can access it in order to delete/restore data.

Guild data is automatically deleted when the bot is deleted. If anyone wants their user data deleted or has additional questions they can contact a developer, an command will be developed in the future so you don't need to join the support server to request deletion your data!

Compared to moderation commands, mainly for ban and warning commands. Only user ID and reason for ban/warning are stored in data, also date. When the user is no longer banned it will be deleted from the data, to remove a warn from the data you must do the following command: /warn remove warn_id:

Remember that this page can be updated at any time.

Last updated